Family Highlights (28 photos) ---  


May 10 ~ 19, 2015


Click thumnails to see larger versions                                          

02-01 Tiburon 1 ---

in the morning and breakfast

02-02 Tiburon 2 ---

strolling in Main St. of Tiburon

D02-01-01_Having breakfast in New Morning Cafe D02-02-01_In the way of strolling

02-03 Tiburon 3 ---

Strolling around Belevedere Cove

02-03 Tiburon 3 ---

Strolling around Belevedere Cove

D02-03-01_An archor art in front of Sam's Anchor Cafe in the middle of Main St. D02-03-02_In front of a lake house in the cove (seen from Beach Rd.)

02-05 Sausalito ---

Strolling on Bridgeway & Lunch

02-05 Sausalito ---

Strolling around Bridgeway & Lunch

D02-05-01_At the fountain of Gabrielson Park in downtown Sausalito D02-05-03_In front of Gabrielson Park

02-08 San Francisco 2 ---

Visiting Japan Town

02-08 San Francisco 2 ---

Visiting Japan Town

D02-08-10_Becoming a samura D02-08-09_Becoming a geisha

05-01 Alics's graduation ---

Activities in the graduation ceremony

05-01 Alics's graduation ---

Activities in the graduation ceremony

D05-01-05_VIDEO --- Alice on the stage answering questions from committee members to defense her MA thesis D05-01-06_VIDEO --- Alice on the stage accepting the MA graduation certificate from the school president

05-02 Alics's graduation ---

Family photos taken after the ceremony

05-02 Alics's graduation ---

Family photos taken after the ceremony

D05-02-01_A shot with Papa and Mom D05-02-02_A shot with a classmate and her parents

05-03 Alics's graduation ---

Photos with teachers and classmates

05-03 Alics's graduation ---

Photos with teachers and classmates

D05-03-03_With a classmate D05-03-04_With another classmate

D05-03-05_With a teacher D05-03-10_With another classmate

06-01 Alice's graduation exhibition ---

Part (A)

06-01 Alice's graduation exhibition ---

Part (A)

D06-01-02_Alice sitting in front of her exhibited works D06-01-03_Alice standing in front of her works
  D06-01-04_A piece of her works

06-01 Alice's graduation exhibition ---

Part (A)

06-02 Alice's graduation exhibition ---

Part (B)

D06-01-07_Mom looking at the works 1 D06-02-02_Papa in the exhibition hall

06-03 NY Downtpwn ---

Walking in streets

08-02 Walt Street ---

Classical Buildings and Sculptures

D06-03-02_Mom passsing a typical food stand in streets D08-02-02_A photoshot besides the statue of George Washington in fornt of Federal Hall

08-02 Walt Street ---

Classical Buildings and Sculptures

08-03 Seaport District (A) ---

Wavertree Ship of Seaport Museum

D08-02-04_Yoyo Yang's artwork located at a corner of the cross of Waters St. and Pine St. D08-03-01_In front of the Wavertree Ship at Pier 16 (1)

08-03 Seaport District (A) ---

Wavertree Ship of Seaport Museum

08-03 Seaport District (B) ---

Lunch and the Vicinity

D08-03-05_In fron of Wavertree Ship on Pier 16 (2) D08-04-01_Strolling in Front St. in the seapor district

08-05 Washington Square Park ---

Having a rest

09-01 Strolling along a quiiet street ---

Easy going

D08-05-02_A shot of Alice in the park D09-01-01_Strolling along Willow St. --- easy community

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